
All the great champions had a gameplan. What’s yours?

Let me put it this way… Are you ready to get serious with your video marketing? Want more kick-ass tactics and strategies that will help take your business to the next level?

Then CLICK HERE to subscribe to the monthly edition of Video Marketing Playbook for only $99 a month!

VMP gives you valuable content every month with different strategies and tactics you can use to make better sales or engagement videos. In every edition, you’ll find content that will help you become a better, more successful video creator and marketer. I’ll coach you up on a variety of topics, such as:

  • Concepts. I believe we all have a certain level of creativity, but for entrepreneurs, it can be a challenge to come up with a really cool idea for a marketing video when you have so many other aspects of your business to think about. So how can you be more creative? What are some ways to come up with killer ideas that will attract those eyes online?
  • Video Techniques. Remember… these are marketing videos we’re talking about. You don’t have to be the next Steven Spielberg. But if you want to stand out and look more professional, there are some technical video production techniques that, if you know them, will make you a better video creator almost immediately.
  • Marketing Principles. Sometimes video marketers can get so caught up with video creation, they forget the marketing part. Are you putting the right message in your videos with a clear call to action? Does the video you use for your sales page translate on to social media and vice versa? How can you create a video campaign with a unifying concept, look, and message?

$99/month would be a great price if you JUST received an e-newsletter. But… and I hate to sound like one of those guys… WAIT! There’s more! You’ll also get:

  • A FREE 10-minute (or maybe 15… depending on my mood) exclusive audio podcast that clarifies and adds on to the content included in each edition
  • One FREE 45-minute brainstorm/consultation session during which we’ll discuss your video
    marketing efforts, what you think you’re doing well, and how I can help you with those things with which you’re struggling.
  • A special subscriber price on further individual brainstorm/coaching sessions – $89/each (normally $99/each)

What does all this mean for you? Put simply:

  • You’re going to get insights from a video professional that will help you make better marketing videos.
  • You’ll learn why even the most novice video creators can learn the fundamentals of professional video production, editing, and marketing.
  • You’re going to save mucho dinero by creating simple, creative, and engaging videos that will help draw attention to your online venues.
  • You’re going to see that reach, as well as those clicks, opt-ins, and sales increase because you had the smarts to learn how to do video the right way!

You’ve let other business owners dominate the video marketing game – getting all those clicks… YOUR clicks AND sales – for far too long! It’s time to up your game, and show them how awesome your marketing can become with polished, engaging sales videos.

Stop giving the other guys your clicks and sales just because they have the kind of videos you could make with the right coaching.

CLICK HERE to subscribe to my monthly e-newsletter (or click the button below) Video Marketing Playbook, and get the edge you need to blow away your competition!

You’ve been on the bench too long; it’s time to get into the game!

Let’s do this!

We’re All Just Lifelong Projects

I’m far from perfect. In fact, I tend to be on the cynical side. Not that it’s necessarily bad in and of itself, but it makes me lean more toward thinking and acting negatively more often than not. A lot of people are like that and go through life without giving a...

5 Tips to Better Video Text

Videos are hot in the world of marketing. If you've seen videos from companies or organizations you follow on Facebook, you’ve probably noticed that many of them contain text to accompany the story being told. This is primarily done for two reasons: A great number of...